Best digital nomad books
Book Review

15 Best Digital Nomad Books πŸ“š

As both a digital nomad and an avid reader, the idea of creating the “best digital nomad books” list is both lofty and literally right up my alley. Some of these are books I read before I started my digital nomad journey and they fueled my motivation while I worked two 80+ hours a week to save up the money it took to take the international plunge. And some of these books have kept me excited and motivated about the amazing, stressful, fun, exhilerating, and delightful journey.

Keep in mind while reading this list, digital nomadism isn’t about traveling on an extended vacation. Digital nomads work and often work very hard and with unique hurdles to navigate. Working remotely requires diligence and focus that many office workers may not recognize or know to prepare for. So these aren’t your typical lounge-on-a-beach books because while those are entertaining, they do not constitute the best digital nomad books.

So, without further ado, here are my absolute must-have, favorite, best digital nomad books.

FYI – Some of these are affiliate links, meaning I may get a tiny commission if you purchase through my link at no charge to you.

#1 Best Digital Nomad Book: Love With A Chance of Drowning by Torre Deroche

This is my absolute favorite of all the best digital nomad books and the one that started me on my journey.

This is one of my favorite travel memoirs ever of all time. “Love with a Chance of Drowning” is a tale of adventure and romance on the high seas, where a couple’s love is tested by the ocean’s unpredictable nature. The story follows the journey of a young couple who set out on a sailing trip across the Pacific Ocean, only to find themselves in the midst of a storm that threatens to capsize their boat.

I love the realistic portrayal of complicated relationships, the off-the-beaten-path approach to travel, the fact that the author actually met, lived with, and learned from locals. Do you know how rare that is in digital nomad books? Very frequently, travel authors just go to exotic locations and hang out with other expats, which is so uninteresting. Torre actually integrates into the communities she visits, and it’s a great reminder to digital nomads that they should do likewise.

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#2 Best Digital Nomad Book: Digital Body Language: How to Build Trust and Connection, No Matter the Distance by Erica Dhawan

It may not be immediately obvious, but a lot of your communication as a digital nomad goes completely, well, digital. Before moving overseas, I didn’t think about how my day-to-day communication would shift so dramatically. That’s where this book comes in and why it’s one of the top best digital nomad books: learning how to have digital body language is huge when digital is your primary source of communication.

In “Digital Body Language: How to Build Trust and Connection, No Matter the Distance,” Erica Dhawan explores the challenges of communication in the digital age and offers practical strategies for building trust and connection across digital platforms. She emphasizes the importance of understanding and adapting to the different digital communication styles of colleagues, clients, and customers, and offers tools for reading digital body language, such as email tone and response time.

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#3 Best Digital Nomad Book: The Lonely Planet’s Digital Nomad Handbook

This one was a pleasant surprise for me. “Lonely Planet Digital Nomad” is a witty and informative guide for those seeking a life of work and travel. The book is filled with practical tips, tricks, and recommendations for living a nomadic lifestyle, including finding reliable Wi-Fi, the best cafes to work from, and how to pack light. It seemed like it would be a bit blasΓ© and generic, but I was wrong.

I highly suggest this tome for anyone who wants to learn the logistics of the digital nomad life.

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#4 Best Digital Nomad Book: The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris

Digital Nomad Book Review 1

This might be an obvious one, but it’s seminal for a reason. Tim Ferriss is basically the OG digital nomad before covid ruined the world and drove everyone into their homes and onto their laptops.

The 4-Hour Work Week is the ultimate guide to getting away with doing the bare minimum. Outsource everything, automate the rest, and get ready to spend your days sipping margaritas on a tropical beach. Who needs a full-time job when you can work just four hours a week and still rake in the cash?

Obviously, this is a pipe dream and not realistic for most. Some people argue that the principles promoted in “The 4-Hour Work Week” are not realistic for most people and that the book oversimplifies the process of becoming an entrepreneur. Critics also argue that the emphasis on outsourcing and automation can lead to the exploitation of workers in other countries and that the concept of “lifestyle design” can be seen as self-indulgent. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t interesting principles about the mindset shift that goes into becoming a remote business owner.

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#5 Best Digital Nomad Book: Vagabonding by Rolf Potts

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“Vagabonding” by Rolf Potts is the ultimate guide to long-term travel, complete with tips on budgeting, packing, and getting by in foreign countries. Embrace the life of a wandering nomad and explore the world with nothing but a backpack and a sense of adventure. Who needs stability when you can sleep in hostels, hitchhike across continents, and survive on a diet of ramen noodles and street food? It’s time to break free from the shackles of modern life and embrace your inner vagabond.

This book is dated and impractical in many senses, but it also has great insights into the mindset of a traveler.

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#6 Best Digital Nomad Book: So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport

Best Digital Nomad Books

Let’s be real: most employers don’t want to hire remote workers. It’s a logistical nightmare, a headache, a tax minefield, and a lot of unexpected problems can arise when your workforce is scattered around the globe. In order to successfully travel while working, you have to be good.

In “So Good They Can’t Ignore You,” author Cal Newport argues that following your passion is a flawed career strategy. Instead, he suggests that developing rare and valuable skills that can be leveraged for autonomy, mastery, and purpose is the key to finding fulfilling work. Newport draws on case studies and research to support his argument and provides practical advice for building career capital and pursuing a fulfilling career.

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#7 Best Digital Nomad Books: Deep Work by Cal Newport

The second Cal Newport on our list, but he’s a digital nomad guru for a reason. In this age of endless distraction, “Deep Work” emphasizes the importance of focus and argues that in order to produce quality work and achieve true productivity, we need to cultivate deep focus and concentration by minimizing distractions and engaging in sustained periods of focused work. Newport offers practical strategies for achieving this state of deep work and emphasizes its importance in today’s economy.

Working remotely is hard. Focus is hard. Focusing on the internet while working remotely is sometimes nearly impossible. Learning how to work deeply and focus is one of the most important skills in the modern age.

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#8 Best Digital Nomad Book: The End of Jobs: Money, Meaning and Freedom Without the 9-to-5 by Taylor Pearson

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The economy is changing. AI is all the rage, and the culture of sitting in an office for the sake of sitting in an office is dying. In “The End of Jobs,” author and entrepreneur Taylor Pearson explores the changing nature of work and employment in the 21st century.

He argues that the traditional model of full-time employment is becoming obsolete due to technological advances and economic globalization and that individuals need to adapt to this new reality by embracing entrepreneurship, freelancing, and other forms of non-traditional work. Pearson provides practical advice for navigating this new landscape, including how to identify and cultivate valuable skills, build a personal brand, and create a sustainable income stream.

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#9 Best Digital Nomad Book: The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

A good mindset is mandatory for a digital mindset. It’s too easy to be overcome with frustrations, disappointments, loneliness, or the feeling of not really belonging anywhere.

“The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz is a self-help book that explores how changing our thoughts and attitudes can lead to personal and professional success. The author argues that our beliefs and attitudes play a significant role in determining our level of achievement and happiness, and that by adopting a growth mindset and cultivating a positive attitude, we can achieve greater success in all areas of life.

Schwartz offers practical strategies for overcoming fear, building confidence, setting goals, and developing a success-oriented mindset. “The Magic of Thinking Big” provides a timeless and inspiring message that encourages readers to think beyond their limitations and reach their full potential.

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#10 Best Digital Nomad Book: It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work by Jason Fried

If you’re looking for a book that will help you run a successful business without overworking yourself, this is the book for you. Digital nomadism is all about rethinking the traditional 9-to-5 and working on your own terms, and this is a great, practical guide to change your mindset about what work should–and shouldn’t–look like.

Written by Jason Fried, the founder and CEO of Basecamp, this book will teach you how to hire good people, manage your time better, and prioritize what’s important in your life so that you can take care of it allβ€”without letting work take over everything else. The author aims to help readers learn how to run a successful business without being overwhelmed by their responsibilities.

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What are your favorite digital nomad books? Did I miss any of the best digital nomad books out there? Let me know below!

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